Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Dating Diaries - PART 1


Oh…what a word. 

pretty self explanatory - thanks Urban Dictionary 

It comes with a little bit of nervousness and a whole lot of red flags. But somehow…right in between…there’s always those little butterflies lingering around in your belly that make it all worth it!

Why is it one of the most talked about words in our vocab nowadays? Simply, because it’s that one step we are willing to take in finding “the one”, our “prince charming” & “our soulmate” I mean didn’t your parents teach you “You can’t diss it, ‘till you try it”?

Now, don’t get me wrong… I am not even close to being an expert in this field. After dating someone for almost 5 years…you could say I’m a definite amateur in this dating game.

But, I’ve come to the conclusion that if you don’t meet your wife/husband in college….You’re pretty much stuck meeting someone at a bar, on an online dating website, or through friends.

And this is where some people just get frustrated and start thinking they’re going to end up alone for the rest of their lives with 6 or 7 cats in an apartment in the city…..or so they think….. ;)

In the last month or so…. 4 of my very close girlfriends have gone on several dates with:
a) someone a friend set them up with
b) someone they met from a dating website or
c) an old friend who is now in "the picture"

and I can’t help but share their experiences with you all. They make me laugh so very hard and it’s opened my eyes to the fun and not-so-fun parts of dating.

**All of their names have been changed to protect their dating lives**

WARNING : these are real people's lives.....NO JUDGING BEYOND THIS POINT!

Once upon a time there was "Jasmine"

After a recent heart break with her  ex she finally was ready to be put out there again. So Jasmine has recently joined a dating website. She was a bit skeptical about the process but decided "ehh what's there to lose?" Here are some texts from Jasmine so you too can experience this with us:

truth #1 - always have that "feel good" confidence

 truth # 2 -  don't double guess yourself

truth #3 -  always keep it "classy" ;)

truth #4 - remember the rules haha

In a land not so far away we have Pocahontas...or Poca as we shall call her..(see where I'm getting at here?) ;)

A recent break up has Poca  singing to the tune of "girls just want to have fun" &  with not a care (well... maybe a few cares) in the world and lots of caution....she has decided to venture out and give this whole dating thing a try ... one more time...this is her story:

truth #5 - safety first

truth #6 - at least TRY to play hard to get..

truth #6 - dont judge a guy by his ride..

truth #7 - if he's a reader he must be a keeper?

I want to tell you now the story of "Cinderella"

-After taking a year long hiatus from dating to focus on her career (yes, this Cinderella is a working woman!) Cinderella decided to take her friends advice and go on a few dates herself...

truth #8 always remember that scary episode of Special Victims Unit..

truth #9 always rely on your friends for the perfect "don't want to hang out" excuse..

truth #10 the real test is to see if he last at least an hour on the phone...

truth #11 always remember "two can play the same game"

And then there was one.. her name is Belle 

Like the rest of the ladies, Belle has had her fair share of class-less men in her life. After a big eye opener from her fellow friends...she also - jumped on the YOLO bandwagon and decided to give this dating deal a try.....

truth #12 her mom probably knows it's 4 - a mother always knows..

truth #13 yolo is not just a word....it's real life..

truth #14 the lose-lose situations we put ourselves in...

truth #15 -take it like a champ...all day... every day 

Well there you have it!! I've laughed crying reading these texts so I thought...why not share it with ya'll?? Oh and don't worry...this is only part 1... as soon as I can compile more dating diaries from these ladies....I'll be sure to share them with ya'll....until then....

xoxo Jenni

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