Tuesday, May 27, 2014

I think they call this, growing up.

Who would’ve thunk it? Me saying I’m a grown up? I mean let’s be real – this is coming from the girl that still buys Lucky Charms because they come with little cute colorful marshmallows. But 2014 has opened my eyes to P.L.E.N.T.Y. I mean c’mon, I take my clothes to the Dry Cleaners ya’ll – that right there is legit grown up status. The owner guy, Mr. Nguyen (not cliché, I swear that’s his name!) knows my name and doesn’t even have to look it up (talk about VIP) And numero dos, I would much rather pay $60 a month for someone to kick my ass in boot camp - 3 days a week instead of using it on pointless shizz I would buy on a trip to Target! I find myself buying fruits and veggies instead of the 13 bags of assorted potato chips..like I actually care about my health or something. No seriously, WHO AM I?!
I mean I guess it was bound to happen right? My 10 year high school reunion is next year (oh snapp!!) and that “thirty” word is about to be used in my vocabulary pretty frequently in just 750ish days (I mean, not that I’m counting or anything..) I’ve heard the quote “Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely” I don’t know about you, but I’ve chosen to grow. In past years, I have been secretly jealous about all the weddings I attended. Pouting my lip and crossing my arms thinking to myself when MY time was coming. Of course, I enjoyed the weddings I was honored to be a part of, but I can’t help and remember how bittersweet it was for me. Looking back, that sounds ridiculously selfish. I mean part of the fun of this so-called “growing up” phase is watching your closest friends (who actually have their shit together) say their “I do’s”. Carrie Bradshaw said it best – “If you don’t get married or pregnant and you spend countless dollars celebrating friends that do – why should you miss out on celebrating you?” So, I did. For every present I had to buy this year for someone, I bought one for myself. If my friend had a juicer on her registry, I had new running shoes on mine. Life got a little more interesting, and Jenni got a whole lot happier.

I've learned that as soon as the door is closing on something, I find another door opening just as fast. Like sticking its foot in between the door before it closes. It gives me zero time to sulk and think about what I'm missing out on, when something amazing is staring me right in the face. In fact, I've learned that I honestly started to care less what someone thinks about the way I'm living my life.
Yes, I'm 27 & single. Yes, I sort of love it. Yes, I drink high-calorie, gut-giving beer and don't have any regrets doing so. Yes, I love Jesus but I cuss a little. And yes, sometimes there's questionable decisions I make, but they make for good stories at brunch with my best friends.
 I don't pretend to be someone I'm not because I think I am pretty damn good at being me.
Pretend that's me dancing to "Go Jenni...Go Jenni Gooo"

Paulo Coelho said it best, “Solitude is not the absence of company, but the moment when our soul is free to speak to us and help us decide what to do with our life.” What I'm doing now is not what I thought I'd be doing 10 years ago. Hell, it's not what I thought I'd be doing 10 minutes ago. And I don't really know if anyone knows what the hell they’re actually doing.  At 27, I may not know what direction my life is heading or what I’m even wearing tomorrow, but I do know that right this second, I’m happy. Like really happy. For reasons I honestly don’t even know. But what I do know is that this feeling is so incredible I want to bottle it up, stick it in the freezer and let it sit there for a rainy day.
Don't worry though, I still don’t have ALL my shit together, so there’s no need to start saving up for my wedding any time soon. I still don’t brush my hair before work, I still accidentally let my milk spoil and have to throw it away, I sometimes even shave one leg and forget to shave the other and I definitely still have the days where I’m too lazy to cook dinner that eating a bowl of Lucky Charms while watching The Bachelorette will suffice.
I like this adult thing and just recently, I have figured out it kinda likes me too.

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